
2015年7月3日 (五) 19:43Admin讨论 | 贡献的版本

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The Arduino environment can be extended through the use of libraries, just like most programming platforms. Libraries provide extra functionality for use in sketches, e.g. working with hardware or manipulating data. A number of libraries come installed with the IDE, but you can also download or create your own. See these instructions for details on installing libraries. There's also a tutorial on writing your own libraries.


- EEPROM - 读写“永久”储存

- Ethernet - 用于使用Arduino以太网扩展板连接到互联网

- Firmata - 根据标准串行协议与电脑上的应用程序进行通信

- GSM - 用于使用GSM扩展板连接到 GSM/GRPS 网络

- LiguidCrystal - 控制液晶显示屏(LCD)

- SD - 用于读写SD卡

- Servo - 用于控制伺服电机(舵机)

- SPI - 用于与使用串行外围接口(SPI)总线的设备进行通信

- SoftwareSerial - 使用任何数字引脚进行串行通信( 1.0版本以后,整合了Mikal Hart的NewSoftSerial 库作为 SoftwareSerial库)

- Stepper - 用户控制步进电机

- TFT - 用于在TFT屏幕上绘制文本、图像及形状

- WiFi - 用于使用WiFi扩展板连接到网络

- Wire - 双总线接口 (TWI/I2C) 用于设备或传感器通过网络发送、接收数据

The Matrix and Sprite libraries are no longer part of the core distribution.

Due Only Libraries

- Audio - Play audio files from a SD card.

- Scheduler - Manage multiple non-blocking tasks.

- USBHost - Communicate with USB peripherals like mice and keyboards.




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